Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jobs Pending

The Very Busy Month

From March until May is the busiest month for me. My current jobs, just finished Contract Procurement Process (finished), draft a new Performance Appraisal Form for unit (finished) and currently drafting a new Contractor Performance Monitoring Systems (under progress). At the same time I've try to give some attention to my AutoCAD Learning blog to post some article and also try to finish my AutoCAD e-Book and Video Tutorial.

I hope that all of my members and fellow learner willing to wait for my blog and my product ready. I will try to finish those things (AutoCAD e-Book and Video Tutorial) early / within my schedule and your patience would give me the time to finish my product with good quality.

Special thanks to those who have help me a lot to finish my work and product. Thank you very much.  


  1. Firstly, thank's for your Autocad blog..For ur info, i'm new to Autocad and eagerly to learn this software course it's interesting.
    Hope u can finish ur work early so that u can concentrate on ur blog. Thanks

  2. Thanks for your interest. I'll try my best to finish it early. Just wait n be patient.


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